Therapist Colorado

marriage counseling




Therapy isn’t for everyone, but having expert insight into your drive states can be life altering.
Our performance and improved decision making is based on emotional intelligence.
I work with leaders to continuously improve their psychological health and wellbeing.
Your companies success or failure is determined by what you say do and how you feel. If something is not working in your business self reflection is imperative.


Does any of the following sound like you?

Lately it feels as if you are succumbing to pressure, you used to be able to navigate the demands but have started making mistakes that puzzle you.

Daily waves of problems, you solve one and another one resurfaces immediately, seemingly more threatening, waves of issues one sucking you in while the other hoovers above.

Burned out, you’re walking on a constant tight rope, that’s about to light on fire.

You are probably here because the stress is getting to you, you find yourself unable to relax in the little free time you have, constantly thinking, agitated and (frustrated) loosing your temper more often. Falling asleep is difficult or if you do sleep you wake up or feel tired in the morning.

Either you decided for yourself that something needs to change or a trusted friend nudged you to get some insight.

You have worked so hard to get here, but still feel you are about to lose everything or things feel out of control.

Your drive and ambition got you to where you are, but seeing what’s in the future is murky, and not quite tantilizing.

Feeling unsure if you’re able to keep this up you try to push through, but freaking exhausted.

There is a nagging feeling that you’re disappointing others, and constantly missing the mark. Whether at home or at work, maybe even both.

If any of the above statements strike a chord, don’t worry, schedule a free 15 minute consultation with me to see how I can help.

How can we work together:

Together we solve problems not symptoms.

For example, anxiety is a symptom, it’s a signal from your brain and body that you are experiencing something that is coming your way, a warning sign.
The problem is the interpretation of a threatening situation, leading to anxious thoughts deterring you from making decisions in your best interest and instead leading you to make fear-based decisions.

Coaching for leaders is different in the approach that while we are resolving complex internal patterns we have, set goals, its active.

The four steps in this short term and goal oriented process are 

  1. Contact
  2. Assessment 
  3. Working through 
  4. Closure reassessment of new goals

Most coaching commitments are around 8 to12 consultations. 

Therapist Colorado

Schedule Your Initial Complimentary 15 Minute Consultation Today

I specifically work implementing DBT (dialectical behavioral therapy), IFS (internal family systems), TBRI (trust-based relational intervention), and Gottman methods.